Mr. Bean: The Animated Series, also known as Mr. Bean, is an animated sitcom created by Tiger Aspect Productions in organization with Richard Purdue Productions as well as Vargas Holdings (for the first 3 series). Based upon the 1990-- 1995 British live-action TV sitcom of the same name created by Richard Curtis as well as Rowan Atkinson, the series centers on Mr. Bean (voiced by the last), Teddy, Irma Cobb and the Reliant Regal s strange driver, with the addition of brand-new characters such as Bean s landlady Mrs. Gate and also her disobedient pet cat Scrapper in her house in the London Borough of Kensington. In February 2001, the series was officially announced. Debuting on 5 January 2002 and also initially ending on 2 June 2004, the first series of 52 episodes was relayed, each including two 11-minute sectors. Episodes 1-34 were originally transmitted on ITV1 at a prime-time television Saturday evening port. In Might 2004, the series left the Saturday evening prime-time time slot on ITV1 and also the succeeding periods were rather transmitted daily on CITY as a result of the show s appeal with more youthful audiences. In January 2014, CITY introduced a resurgence of the series with Rowan Atkinson returning as the voice of Mr. Bean, together with other cast members repeating their functions. The resurgence included two series and also 78 brand-new episodes; the new episodes began airing from 16 February 2015. The revival had more real dialogue than in the original series, which mostly included little audio effects as well as mumbling. The series was also broadcast as component of Anime Network s Sunday Trousers.
Disney + has become Marvel s home. Throughout this year we have seen a series of productions that have expanded the universe of MCU, and this is something that will continue in a future with jobs that we already know, as moon Knight, She-Hulk and ms. Marvel, as well as a couple of surprises, like the animated series of marvel zombies.
During the Disney + Day, the list of premiere that Marvel will have in Disney + has been updated. Not only has more information about some productions that were already confirmed for a long time, but have revealed new series. This is the list:
— x-men 97 (animated series) — 2023.
— Moon Knight (Live Action series) — On the way.
— She Hulk (Live Action series) — On the way.
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— ms. Marvel (Live Action series) — summer of 2022.
—Second season of what if...? (Animated series) — on the way.
— CIA (LIVE ACTION series) — On the way.
— Spider-Man: Freshman Year (animated series) — On the way.
— I am Groot (animated series) — on the way.
— iron heart (LIVE ACTION series) — On the way.
— Armor Wars (Live Action series) — On the way.
—Second season of Loki (Live Action series) — On the way
— Agatha: House of Harkness (Live Action series) — On the way.
— Marvel Zombies (animated series) — On the way.
— Secret Invasion (Live Action series) — On the way.
As if that were not enough, a new MCU video has been shared in Disney +. The first minutes are a recapitulation of WandaVision, Loki, Falcon and the Winter Soldier and projects that we already saw, but from minute 11:55 is the first look at Moon Knight, She-Hulk, Ms. Marvel and Secret Invasion.
On related topics, here you can learn more about x-men 97.
Editor s note:
The future of the MCU looks very, very interesting. Although the films in this universe have not been the best lately, the series are first level, and this will not stop over 2022. Hopefully more trailers are shared.
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